Wednesday 29 April 2015



Usahawan merupakan seorang yang mengusahakan sesuatu perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan perniagaan sehinggan berjaya dengan niat agar memperolehi keuntungan serta mengamalkan amalan-amalan yang strategik untuk memperolehi kejayaan.  Usahawan yang berjaya lahir daripada faktor-faktor tertentu yang amat penting dalam menentukan jatuh bangun sesebuah perusahaan tersebut.
Usahawan yang berjaya merupakan tokoh dan dijadikan contoh orang ramai yang berniat untuk menceburi bidang pernigaan dengan berjaya dan maju.  Tokoh-tokoh tersebut dicontohi atas sifat-sifat serta ciri-ciri keperibadian mereka yang mendorong beliau untuk berjaya dengan bangganya sekali.

Zaman kini merupakan zaman yang tidak lari daripada cabaran teknologi dan era globalisasi yang sentiasa berubah.  Oleh itu, usahawan pada masa kini perlu mengambil berat tentang beberapa ciri-ciri serta sifat-sifat yang perlu ada dalam diri mereka.  Terdapat beberapa sifat-sifat yang akan dibincangkan iaitu:

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary merupakan seorang tokoh usahawan Malaysia yang sangat terkenal dan berjaya dalam bidang perniagaan yang diceburi.  Beliau mempunyai keperibadian yang perlu dicontohi oleh orang lain.  Latar belakang secara ringkas mengenai, beliau mula berniaga semasa berumur 19 tahun iaitu jual beli lembu dan kerbau.  Beliau hanya merupakan seorang pelajar lepasan SPM namun pencapaian beliau kini harus dicontoi dan merupakan sesuatu yang dibanggakan.  Beliau merupakan usahawan perniagaan MMC, Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas, BERNAS, Gardenia, DRB-Hicom, dan Bank Muamalat.
Keperibadian beliau yang bersifat tulus dan boleh dipercayai dapat dilihat melalui cara beliau menguruskan perniagaan-perniagan beliau dan buktinya dapat dilihat dengan kejayaan besar yang dikecapinya sekarang.  Beliau telah dianugerahi pelbagai sijil antaranya iaitu sijil ISO 9001 2000, Superbrands Malaysia Award, tokoh Maal Hijrah 1946 serta bermacam-macam lagi anugerah lain.  Namun, pemilihan beliau sebagai tokoh Maal Hijrah 1946 adalah bukti keperibadiannya serta sesuatu pemilihan yang bijak berdasarkan personaliti beliau yang baik dan antara ikon unggul dunia korporat negara yang sangat disegani.  Ketulusan beliau dalam menjalankan perniagaan serta merupakan seorang yang sangat boleh dipercayai amat menyerlah melalui bukti daripada orang-orang yang pernah bekerjasama dengan beliau.
Berdasarkan ciri-ciri keusahawanan yang diperolehi oleh beliau cukup membuktikan bahawa Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary seorang yang boleh dijadikan idola bagi rakyat Malaysia dan seseorang yang amat dibanggakan dan disegani ahli korporat lain.

Inisiatif ini bermaksud seseorang usahawan yang mempunyai semangat atau tabiat untuk melaksanakan sesuatu tanpa diarah atau dipaksa dengan tujuannya untuk mencapai maklamat. Initiatif juga adalah sikap seseorang giat berusaha untuk mengembangkan perniagaan dalam bidang-bidang keluaran atau perkhidmatan yang baharu. Ciri ini membolehkan seseorang usahawan berada di hujung sesuatu trend. Hal ini akan membolehkan seseorang usahawan mudah untuk mengembangkan perniagaannya.
Selain itu, seseorang usahawan yang berinitiatif perlu bagi menghadapi arus perubahan dan peredaran masa supaya tidak dianggap ketinggalan. Sebagai contoh, Tan Sri Dato’ Loh Boon Siew, seseorang usahawan yang membawa masuk motorsikal Honda terbabit ke Malaysia. Beliau merupakan seorang yang buta huruf dan tidak mempunyai akademik yang tinggi tetapi beliau mempunyai daya ingatan yang kuat serta tidak mudah berputus asa dalam melibatkan diri dalam bidang keusahawanan. Beliau sentiasa berfikiran initiatif dan cuba untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berbeza dengan usahawan lain.Oleh itu, beliau ingin mengimport motorsikal Honda Super Club dari negara Jepun. Tan Sri Dato’ Loh Boon Siew telah mengaturan perjumpaan dengan Mr.Soichiro Honda, pencipta motosikal itu. Beliau telah meyakinkan pihak Japanese Honda Motor Co Ltd dan kemudian melantik beliau sebagai pengedar tunggal motorsikal Honda di Malaysia. Sikap berinitiatif telah menjadikan Tan Sri Dato’ Loh Boon Siew seorang usahawan yang berjaya kerana mempunyai pandangan yang cukup berani untuk mencuba dan membuka pasaran.

Versatiliti adalah bermaksud kepandaian yang beraneka ragam, kepandaian dalam banyak bidang. Ciri versatiliti ini akan membantu usahawan dalam mempelbagaikan perniagaan dan juga dapat membantu usahawan dalam menyelesaikan banyak masalah dalaman perniagaan.  Hal ini kerana usahawan mempunyai pendirian dan pengetahuan dalam membuat sebarang keputusan walaupun mendapat tentangan hebat atau menghadapi masalah yang kompleks.

Ciri versatiliti boleh membantu usahawan dalam mengembangkan perniagaannya.  Sebagai contohnya, Tan Sri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, pengerusi Berjaya Group yang menjalankan pelbagai perniagaan.  Syarikat beliau telah bermula menjalankan perniagaan judi berlesen sah melalui Berjaya Sport Toto Berhad, Pan Malaysian Pool Sdn Bhd dan Magnum Corporation Berhad.  Selain itu beliau juga melibatkan diri dalam bidang penerbangan dan perhotelan iaitu syarikat Berjaya Air dan Berjaya hotel.  Bidang perhotelannya juga dikembangkan ke Bukit Tinggi, Pahang iaitu Berjaya Hill Resort atau Bukit Tinggi Resort yang mempunyai keluasan 16000 ekar dan terletak pada aras 2700 kaki.  Di samping itu, beliau juga mendirikan menara Berjaya Times Square.  Dalamnya mengandungi IMAX 3D, Cosmos World, Border dan pasaraya Metrojaya serta Berjaya College.  Tan Sri Vincent Tan juga melibatkan diri dalam bidang komunikasi.  Beliau telah menguasai Syarikat DIGI yang dikenali sebagai pengedali telefon bimbit ke-3 penting di Malaysia.  Beliau juga menubuhkan Syarikat U-mobile yang juga bersifat syarikat telekomunikasi.  Kedai runcit yang boleh dijumpa kerap iaitu kedai serbaneka 7-11 juga milik Tan Sri Vincent Tan.  Beliau telah memaparkan ciri versatiliti kerana beliau mampu menjalankan pelbagai bidang perniagaan kerana beliau adalah seorang yang mempunyai banyak kemampuan dan juga pengetahuan di pelbagai bidang.

Sir Richard Branson Charles Nicholas, dilahirkan pada 18 Julai 1950, dan dikenali sebagai seorang ahli perniagaan Inggeris dan pelabur.  Beliau merupakan pengasas Virgin Group yang terdiri daripada lebih daripada 400 buah syarikat.  Beliau memulakan usaha perniagaan di majalah yang dikenali sebagai Student apabila dia berumur enam belas tahun.   Pada tahun 1970, beliau menubuhkan perniagaan rekod pesanan mel.  Menjelang tahun 1972, beliau membuka Virgin Rekod dan kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Virgin Megastore yang merupakan rangkaian kedai-kedai rekod.  Jenama Virgin Branson berkembang pesat dalam tahun 1980-an, ketika dia menubuhkan Virgin Atlantic dan memperluaskan label muzik Virgin Records.  Menurut senarai Forbes 2014 bilionair, Branson merupakan warga terkaya ketujuh United Kingdom, dengan anggaran nilai bersih US $ 4.9 bilion.
Kemahiran yang bersifat tegas dalam memberi keputusan adalah penting dalam menentukan isu-isu dan dalam mengeluarkan hasil yang berkesan kepada usahawan.  Peluang dan kerugian adalah bergantung kepada pengalaman seorang usahawan.
Sir Richard berkongsi pemikiran beliau dengan beberapa peranan penting sebagai seorang usahawan.  Terdapat empat perkara utama dalam pandangannya antaranya mempercayai naluri, memberi tumpuan kepada pelanggan, sentiasa menyokong pasukan anda, dan tahu waktu sesuai untuk meninggalkan mereka.
 Terdapat kes apabila beliau melancarkan syarikat penerbangan Virgin Atlantic dan Virgin Blue (baru-baru ini dijenamakan semula Virgin Australia), masing-masing pada tahun 1984 dan 2000.  Beliau berkata bahawa pesaing telah berpuas hati, oleh itu, penumpang mahukan sesuatu yang berbeza.  Walaupun pasukan pengarahnya agak gementar namun ini merupakan peluang untuk meneruskannya atas cabaran kekuatan pesaing tetapi Sir Richard masih berkeras dengan pendapatnya sendiri.
Seterusnya, beliau sentiasa memberi tumpuan kepada pengalaman pelanggan, memastikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik, produk yang paling inovatif dan nilai terbaik ditawarkan.  Selain itu, mempunyai sebuah pasukan yang hebat untuk membantu operasi harian adalah penting dan perlu belajar untuk mempercayai pasukan pengurusan di samping memberi sokongan kepada mereka apabila mereka melihat peluang.

Sir Ka-shing Li, GBM, KBE, JP (lahir 29 julai 1928 di Chaozhou, China) adalah seorang hartawan Hong Kong, pelabur, dan dermawan.  Menurut Bloomberg Billionaires Index pada 16 April 2014, beliau adalah orang yang paling kaya di Asia dengan nilai bersih $31.9 billion.  Beliau adalah Pengerusi Lembaga Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL) dan Cheung Kong Holdings pada tahun 2008, dan merupakan pembekal terbesar di dunia bagi terminal kontena serta kesihatan dan kecantikan terbesar di dunia peruncitan.
Keupayaan seseorang untuk menggunakan masa dengan berkesan adalah penting dalam seorang usahawan yang berjaya.  Seorang usahawan yang berjaya menggunakan masa dengan bijak dan sentiasa membuat penambahbaikan yang berterusan.
Li Ka Shing sebagai usahawan yang berjaya mempunyai cara tersendiri dalam mengurus masa.  Beliau sering bangun seawall 6:00 pagi untuk memulakan aktiviti hariannya.  Kebanyakan masanya, dia akan bermain golf di waktu pagi.  Selain mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat, dia sentiasa mengejar kemajuan berterusan dalam hidupnya.  Beliau menghabiskan masa dengan membaca dan sentiasa belajar.    Dalam usaha meningkatkan pendekatan dalam bahasa Inggeris, beliau juga menonton filem Inggeris atau saluran selepas makan malam.  Selain itu, beliau juga kerap berfikir beberapa keadaan yang mungkin berlaku dan mencari penyelesaian masalah.  Melalui hal yang demikian, beliau ‘menyediakan payung sebelum hujan’ dalam hal berkaitan syarikat.
Walaupun ia kelihatan seperti mudah, tetapi tidak ramai orang yang boleh mengamalkannya secara teratur.   Oleh kerana itulah orang yang berjaya begitu kurang bilangannya.

Perseptif adalah satu sifat yang sukar digambarkan dengan kata-kata.  Hal ini kerana sifat perseptif adalah ketajaman daya tanggapan yang ada pada seseorang usahawan.  Selain itu, perseptif ini merupakan satu sifat yang unik kerana seseeorang yang perseptif akan sentiasa celik akal dan berfikiran jauh serta terbuka bukan hanya untuk diri sendi bahkan untuk orang sekelilingnya juga.  Salah satu perkara menarik mengenai perseptif ini ialah, seseorang itu mampu memahami kehendak orang lain dan sering berpikiran luar kotak kawalan pemikiran.  Dan seterusnya, seorang usahawan yang mempunyai perseptif adalah seorang usahawan yang berwawasan, bijak dan dapat melihat perkara yang unik sebagai satu perkara yang mampu menjadi segalanya.
Oleh itu, saya memilih usahawan tempatan iaitu Dr. Fazley Yaakob sebagai salah seorang usahawan yang mempunyai karakter perseptif seperti mana yang dinyatakan ciri-ciri diatas.  Ini kerana, Dr. Fazley mempunyai latar belakang yang baik untuk menjadi berhala sebagai usahawan yang berjaya.  Beliau adalah seorang artis didorong untuk berjaya dalam pendidikan dan bijak mengambil peluang untuk menjadi seorang usahawan pada usia muda.  Sehingga kini, dia masih terlibat dalam bidang seni dan pada masa yang sama beliau juga aktif dalam perniagaan, yang menjual Fazley Handbag Collection, Fazley Baqarah, Fazley Jewellerys, Fazley Delights, Fazley Watchs dan Fazley Apperels.
Antara perkara yang menarik mengenai Dr. Fazley adalah bahawa dia adalah seorang usahawan kreatif sebagai contoh produk Fazley Handbag diperbuat daripada kulit ikan tilapi.  Beliau juga melakukan inovatif dalam pembaharuan dengan menghasilkan pelbagai jenis alat seperti perisian komputer, telefon bimbit dan kamera dalam bentuk keluaran jam “del fish” Fazley International Trading.  Dalam bidang pendidikan, beliau telah menerbitkan banyak buku dan penceramah motivasi.  Beliau merupakan usahawan muda yang berperspektif kerana berpendidikan tinggi, serba boleh berfikiran jauh yang unik, dan memahami setiap kehendak masyarakat serta memberi sumbangan yang besar kepada masyarakat.

Seorang usahawan perlu berani menghadapi kegagalan yang berpunca daripada kesilapan yang pernah dilakukannya.  Sekiranya berlaku kegagalan, usahawan tersebut akan sentiasa berusaha untuk mengelakkan kegagalan yang bersama berulang.  Usahawan yang pernah menemui kegagalan juga akan sentiasa berusaha memperbaiki kelemahan dan kekurangan diri.  Jika kegagalan terjadi, mereka sentiasa mencari solusi bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi.
Steve Job antara tokoh usahawan yang pernah melakukan kesilapan tetapi telah berjaya menjadi tokoh terkenal setelah belajar dari kesilapannya.  Steve Job telah dipecat dari syarikat miliknya oleh lembaga pengarah kerana kegagalan visinya dan kejatuhan Apple pada waktu itu.  Steve Job cuba bangun dari kegagalan tersebut dengan mencipta peluang baru dengan kerjasama David Packard dan Bob Noyce dalam bidang penyiaran.  Steve Job membangunkan studio Pixar selepas lima tahun pemecatannya dari syarikat Apple.  Filem animasi pertamanya berjaya merangkul anugerah dalam Anugerah Oscar sebagai filem animasi terbaik.  Setelah melihat kemampuan Steve Job dalam industri animasi, Apple bertindak membeli Pixar dan Steve Job berjaya menduduki semula jawatannya yang pernah diduduki.  Sehingga ke hari ini, Apple telah berjaya mencipta inovasi dalam industri desktop dan Netbook.

Kesedaran etika adalah tahap kualiti nilai seseorang individu yang bergelar usahawan.  Hal ini merujuk kepada konsep dan undang-undang yang menentukan baik dan buruk dalam sesuatu bidang usahawan.  Kesedaran etika harus dititikberatkan dalam kalangan usahawan sekiranya ingin berjaya dalam jangka masa yang lama.  Selain itu, tingkah laku beretika harus disesuaikan dengan mana-mana adab dan adat tempatan, peraturan, undang-undang dan prinsip moral tempatan.  Dalam kesedaran etika juga terselit penjagaan hubungan antara usahawan dengan masyarakat seperti permintaan pelanggan adalah menjadi keutamaan oleh usahawan.  Perkara ini diwujudkan agar sesuatu bidang usahawan menitikberatkan kualiti dalam perkhidmatan untuk pelanggan.  Dengan adanya kesedaran etika dalam diri usahawan, maka secara tidak langsung dapat mengelakkan berlakunya nilai-niai tidak beretika yang akan menjejaskan reputasi seseorang individu dan masyarakat.
Saya memilih Irfan Khairi sebagai usahawan yang mempunyai kesedaran etika yang tinggi.  Beliau merupakan pakar perniagaan internet, motivator usahawan, personaliti TV dan radio.  Kini beliau telah bergelar jutawan pada usia muda.  Kesedaran etika yang ada pada beliau ialah beliau mempunyai nilai berpendirian teguh yang tinggi kerana beliau menceburi bidang usahawan perniagaan internet berdasarkan minat yang mendalam.  Selain itu, beliau turut menerapkan sikap beretika dalam konteks hubungan dengan pelanggan kerana sesuatu bagi beliau perniagaan yang berlandaskan minat tidak akan berjaya sekianya tiada permintaan daripada pelanggan dan sebagai seorang usahawan beliau juga turut menyediakan keuntungan untuk kedua belah pihak.  Antara contoh perniagaan yang dijalankan ialah penjualan peta, penempahan hotel, mencipta E-buku, mencipta  laman web dan grafik, perkhidmatan SEO (Search Engine Optimization),  perunding Multimedia, E-Niaga, kaedah pembelajaran dan sebagainya.  Selain itu terdapat juga buku-buku sebagai antara produk yang diniagakan termasuk buku yang ditulis beliau iaitu "Rahsia Jutawan-Jutawan Internet Terbongkar".
Kesimpulannya, kesedaran etika adalah elemen yang penting dalam bidang usahawan kerana memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak dan mewujudkan nilai yang baik dalam sesuatu perniagaan untuk jangka masa yang panjang.

Berpandangan jauh ialah keupayaan seseorang untuk meramalkan tentang apa yang akan berlaku atau apa yang diperlukan pada masa akan datang.  Orang yang berpandangan jauh merupakan orang yang mempunyai hala tuju yang jelas walaupun diri sendiri belum pasti tentang apa yang akan berlaku pada masa hadapan.

Orang yang berpandangan jauh ini selalunya yakin dengan pandangannya akan membuatkan dirinya sentiasa ‘kuat’ untuk menempuh segala cabaran yang bakal dihadapi.  Sebagai contohnya, usahawan yang terkenal di Malaysia iaitu Puan Rozita Ibrahim, pengasas produk kecantikan Sendayu Tinggi. Beliau merupakan seorang yang berfikiran jauh kerana berani mengambil risiko untuk mencipta produk kecantikannya sendiri.  Pada permulaan kariernya, beliau memperuntukkan beberapa ratus ringgit untuk mengahasilkan produk kecantikan berasaskan herba-herba.  Untuk menguji keberkesanan produknya, beliau mencuba produk ciptaanya yang bernama Sendayu Tinggi.
Semasa penubuhan syarikat tersebut, terdapat hanya lima produk yang dikeluarkan.  Namun, kini syarikat tersebut telah mengeluarkan lebih kurang 500 variasi pilihan produk untuk pengguna lengkap dari herba dalaman, penjagaan wajah dan tatarias diri.  Hal ini demikian, menjadikan produk keluaran wanita Malaysia kerana kualiti dan keberkesanannya yang terbukti hingga turun temurun.  Produk Sendayu Tinggi ini bukan sahaja berada di pasaran dalam negara bahkan berada di luar negara seperti Brunei, Singapura, Korea, China dan Taiwan.  Sikap berfikiran jauh yang ada dalam diri Puan Rozita ini telah menyebabkan produk keluarannya mendapat sambutan yang sangat baik daripada pelanggannya.

Dalam laporan ini, Tan Sri Datuk Sri Dr Tony Fernanez iaitu CEO AirAsia Malaysia dijadikan tokoh usahawan yang berjaya dan mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai seorang usahawan yang sangat berjaya.  Beliau dilahirkan pada 30 April 1964 dan berdarah campuran Portugis Goa dan Portugis Melaka.  Semasa kecil, beliau sering mengikuti ibunya yang berniaga kecil-kecilan dan ke majlis-majlis para peniaga Tupperware dan ketika usia 13 tahun, beliau melanjutkan pelajaran di Eropah pada tahun 1977 lalu mempunyai kelulusan di London School of Economics, 1987.
Beliau pernah bertugas sebagai auditor, pengawal kewangan, pengarah urusan Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, dan Vice Presiden kumpulan bagi Asia Tenggara.  Beliau merupakan penggerak utama penubuhan dan operasi AirAsia, syarikat penerbangan tambang murah yang paling berjaya di kawasan Asia.
Kejayaan yang amat diluar jangkaan beliau berasaskan daripada keperibadian beliau yang luar biasa.  Beliau amat minat dalam perniagaan dan banyak belajar daripada keperibadian ibunya sendiri yang tabah dalam mengharungi cabaran dalam bidang perniagaan yang tidak lari daripada untung ruginya.  Keperibadiaan dan ciri-ciri beliau dalam mendorong kejayaannya dalam bidang perniagaan akan dibincangkan dalam laporan ini.
Antara sifat yang disentuh mengenai beliau iaitu;
a) Inisiatif
Dato' Anthony Francis Fernandes merupakan seorang usahawan yang berinitiatif. Hal ini boleh dinampak melalui pembelian Syarikat Air Asia. Air Asia pada masa itu hanya mempunyai dua kapal terbang Boeing yang usang dan juga hutang sebanyak RM 40,000,000. Beliau berinitiatif untuk memasuki bidang penerbangan walaupun pada masa itu baru berlaku serangan 11 September 2011 di Amerika Syarikat. Pada masa itu, ramai orang tidak berani lagi menaiki pesawat tetapi beliau berasa pada masa itu adalah masa yang paling tepat untuk membeli pesawat. Dato' Anthony Francis Fernandes telah mengunakan seluruh harta miliknya sendiri untuk bertaruh dalam hal ini. Beliau percaya pada masa itu banyak pekerja pengalaman dalam bidang penerbangan mudah digaji dam sewa pesawat juga akan jatuh jadi beliau berinitiatif untuk memasuki bidang penerbangan ini.

b) Membuat Keputusan
Pada tahun 2001, beliau ditambahkan lagi 3 rakan kongsi perniagaan yang ditubuhkan dengan syarikat penerbangan perkongsian, dengan hanya RM1, beliau telah membeli sebuah syarikat penerbangan yang telah gagal.  Selepas beliau memujuk rakannya untuk mensasarkan pasaran pengangkutan udara tambang rendah Asia dengannya, yang bermain di fikirannya adalah ingin menfokuskan di sekitar pasaran Asia.  Dalam masa yang singkat, beliau mengubah syarikat penerbangan itu ke dalam sebuah syarikat penerbangan tambang murah yang menawarkan perkhidmatan pada harga yang boleh bersaing dengan pesaing terdekat iaitu Malaysia Airlines.
Daripada kenyataan di atas, ia jelas menunjukkan bahawa Tony Fernandes telah berani membuat keputusan dengan meninggalkan pekerjaan Kewangan dalam Brandon’s Virgin Record dan memulakan industri penerbangan yang berisiko tinggi.  AirAsia tidak memperoleh keuntungan pada masa permulaan, tetapi dia masih percaya pada pandangannya bahawa syarikat penerbangan tambang murah boleh membawa kejayaan.

c) Perspektif
Tan Sri Tony Fernandes adalah seorang usahawan yang mempunyai perspektif diri yang baik.  Hal ini dapat dilihat, sebelum awal kejayaan menubuhkan syarikat penerbangan AirAsia, beliau berani mengambi risiko untuk meletakkan jawatan daripada bidang muzik sebagai pengurus Warner Music Group bagi menggapai impiannya iaitu mewujudkan sebuah syarikat penerbangan tambang murah di Malaysia.  Beliau juga seorang yang berfikiran unik kerana idea untuk menubuhkan syarikat penerbangan ini datang secara spontan semasa beliau berada di London, ketika menonton televisyen melalui iklan syarikat penerbangan tambang murah, Eayjet.  Seterusnya mencetus idea untuk memperkenalkan perkhidmatan dan menyimpan impian untuk mengembangkan konsep tersebut di rantau Asia.
Selain itu, selepas berjaya menubuhkan syarikat penerbangan AirAsia, beliau seorang usahawan yang celik akal dan pandai memahami atau memikirkan tentang kehendak pelanggan.  Perkara ini dapat dilihat dengan aspek yang diterapkan beliau iaitu ingin menyediakan perkhidmatan kepada sesiapa sahaja.  Seterusnya, beliau bijak dalam pengurusan menarik minat pelanggan dengan cara menyediakan kos tambang murah dalam perkhidmatan penerbangan untuk semua pelanggan kerana beliau menyedari bahawa rakyat Malaysia gemar menaiki kenderaan sendiri kerana kos perbelanjaan yang lebih rendah berbanding dengan menaiki kapal terbang.  Oleh itu, sesuai dengan moto AirAsia iaitu “Now, everyone can fly” adalah membuktikan bahawa beliau merupakan seorang usahawan yang berwawasan, bijak dan dapat melihat perkara yang unik.

d) Belajar daripada Kesilapan
Tan Sri Tony Fernandes antara tokoh usahawan yang mempunyai ciri-ciri keusahawanan belajar dari kesilapan.  Beliau merupakan seorang tokoh yang tidak kenal istlah berputus asa walaupun telah mengalami pelbagai cabaran dan rintangan dalam syarikat Air Asia Berhad.  Antara pengalaman beliau dalam Air Asia Berhad ialah masalah kritikan dan aduan pelanggan mengenai jadual penerbangan dan kelewatan kapal terbang.  Sebagai seorang peneraju Air Asia Berhad, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes tidak berdiam diri begitu shaja apabila masalah tersebut diajukan.  Air Asia Berhad sentiasa mencari jalan penyelesaian mengenai masalah tersebut dengan menstrukturkan semula jadual penerbangan agar tidak mengalami masalah yang sama.  Tan Sri Tony Fernandes sentiasa mencari penambah baikan mengenai isu kelewatan pesawat.
Selain itu, Air Asia Berhad turut mengalami isu persaingan global antara syarikat-syarikat penerbangan antarabangsa yang lain.  Tan Sri Tony Fernandes bertindak dengan membuat semula pertimbangan keatas kadar penerbangan yang dikenakan terhadap pelanggan.  Beliau memperkenalkan kadar tambang murah dengan kekerapan penerbangan, mengutamakan keselesaan dan keselamatan penumpang dan jaminan penjimatan kepada pelanggan.  Tindakan tersebut menjadikan Air Asia sebagai destinasi penempahan penerbangan yang terkenal di Asia kerana strategi pengurangan kadar tambang dan pengurusan yang cekap.

e) Berpandangan Jauh
Tan Sri Tony Fernandes merupakan seorang yang berfikir jauh.  Hal ini demikian dibuktikan ketika beliau sanggup membeli Air Asia walaupun ketika itu Air Asia mengalami kesulitan yang amat teruk kerana lambakan hutang.  Antara risiko yang bakal dihadapi oleh Tan Sri Fernandes ialah bebanan hutang yang tinggi, kos operasi yang mahal, pasaran yang sempit dan kekurangan publisiti.  Walaupun begitu, beliau sentiasa berfikiran positif yang menyebabkan beliau menurut nasihat yang diberikan Dr. Mahathir untuk mengambil alih Air Asia pada 8 September 2001.
Tan Sri Fernandes berpendapat bahawa keputusan yang dipilih oleh beliau adalah tepat pada masa tersebut. Semenjak 11 September 2011, sewa kapal terbang telah menurun 40 peratus.  Kesannya, berlaku pemberhentian kerja dalam industri penerbangan yang menyebabkan ramai pekerja yang berpengalaman boleh diperoleh pada masa tersebut.  Beliau juga percaya bahawa rakyat Malaysia akan memilih tambang penerbangan yang rendah suntuk mengurangkan kos dan masa.

Secara keseluruhannya, dapat disimpulkan bahawa individu atau masyarakat yang ingin berjaya seperti tokoh-tokoh usahawan yang telah berjaya dan disegani orang ramai, mereka perlulah mempunyai ciri-ciri serta sifat-sifat usahawan seperti yang telah dibincangkan dalam laporan ini.  Setiap orang mempunyai peluang dan jalan untuk menjadi seorang usahawan yang berjaya, namun kesungguhan terhadap sesuatu kerja perlulah ditanam dalam diri mereka agar impian mereka untuk menjadi usahawan yang berjaya tercapai dengan cemerlang.  Usahawan-usahawan yang telah berjaya perlulah diambil contoh daripada keperibadian dan sifat mereka yang menjadikan mereka berjaya seperti yang telah mereka kecapi sekarang.  Daya usaha dan kerja yang keras perlu dilakukan sementara mengejar kejayaan pada masa akan datang.  Seperti kata pepatah iaitu ‘bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian’.  Semoga negara dapat melahirkan usahawan-usahawan yang berjaya dan dapat mencapai taraf negara maju melalui penglibatan 3% usahawan dalam negara ini.


Hamid, M. A. (2006). Reka Cipta & Inovasi Dalam Perspektif Kreativiti. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Kadir, N. (2010). Berfikir Gaya Trump. Selangor: PTS Professional Publishing Sdn Bhd.
Mohamed, Z. A. (2007). Pengurusan Strategik. Kuala Lumpur: Distributors Sdn Bhd.
Rosli Mahmood, A. N. (2010). Prinsip-Prinsip Keusahawanan. Malaysia: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
Zaini, M. A. (2004). 66 Usaha Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: PTS Pofessional Publishing Sdn Bhd.
Zubir, N. (2008). Kisah Usahawan Wanita. Kuala Lumpur: PTS Professioanl Publishing Sdn Bhd.

Rich Man

Ananda Krishnan

Ananda Krishnan was born in 1938 in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur's to Tamil parents, who were Sri Lankan origin. He studied at Vivekananda Tamil School in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur and furthered his studies at Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur. Later, as a Colombo Plan scholar, he attended the University of Melbourne, Australia for his B.A. (Honours) degree majoring in political science. During that time he boarded in the Melbourne suburb of Hawthorn. Following that, Krishnan obtained Masters in Business Administration from Harvard Business School,graduating in 1964. On the personal front, the billionaire business magnate is married and has three children.
Krishnan's first entrepreneurial venture was a Malaysian consultancy MAI Holdings Sdn Bhd. He set up Exoil Trading, which went on to purchase oil drilling concessions in various countries. Later, he moved into gambling (in Malaysia). In the early part of the 1990s, he started diversifying into the multimedia arena. Currently, he has business interests in media (Astro, Johnston Press Plc), satellite (MEASAT, SES), oil and gas (Bumi Armada, Pexco), telecommunications (Maxis,Aircel, Axis, Sri Lanka Telecom). He owns stakes in Tanjong Public Limited Company, an investment holding company with subsidiaries involved in power generation (Powertek), gaming (Pan Malaysian Pools), leisure (Tropical Islands, TGV Cinemas) and property (67% Maxis Tower etc.).
Born Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan has an estimated net worth of $11.9 billion as of April 2014 according to Forbes. He also is the sixth richest man of Asia and a successful business tycoon.
YBhg Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan

YBhg Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan  born 1941,Singapore) is a Malaysian tycoon who co-founded Hong Leong Group Malaysia. He is one of the richest men in Malaysia with an estimated net worth of US$2.9 billion according to Forbes  in 2007.He studied in Victoria School in Singapore and is qualified as a Barrister-at-Law from Middle Temple, United Kingdom. He has extensive business experience in various sectors, including financial services, manufacturing and real estate. He is the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Hong Leong Company (Malaysia) Berhad (“HLCM”), Executive Chairman of Hong Leong Industries Berhad (“HLI”), Hume Industries (Malaysia) Berhad (“HIMB”), Hong Leong Financial Group Berhad, GuocoLand (Malaysia) Berhad, Camerlin Group Berhad and Chairman of Hong Leong Bank Berhad, HLG Capital Berhad (“HLG”), Hong Leong Assurance Berhad, Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad and Hong Leong Foundation (“HLF”).
Quek Leng Chan chairs privately held conglomerate Hong Leong Co. (Malaysia), which holds stakes in the finance, property and food sectors. Now investing in oil & gas, he forked out at least $180 million in 2014 to acquire sizable stakes in Indonesia oil & gas producer Samudra Energy, Malaysian outfits Scomi Energy Services and Alam Maritim Resources, and Singapore-listed Ezion, a supplier of support vessels for oilfields. His cousin, Singapore billionaire Kwek Leng Beng, chairs a part of the family business, Hong Leong Group. Quek inherited his fortune from his father, one of 3 brothers who started a small banking group in the 1920s. On the Forbes lists, he is rank as 265th  Billionaire, net worth 5.4 Billion.
Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng

Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng (born 3 June 1939) is a Malaysian Chinese business magnate who is heavily involved in the plantation industry. Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng heads IOI Corporation Berhad (or better known as IOI Group) as its executive chairman. IOI Group was by Forbes in 2012 a palm oil and real estate development giant. It owned refineries in the US and the Netherlands and won a $322 million bid for a 6-acre plot in downtown Singapore for the residential buildings.
IOI, which is listed in Bursa Malaysia, is one of the world's leading conglomerate managing oil palm plantations, speciality fats, oleo chemicals and property development activities in Malaysia, Indonesia, United States, and Europe. IOI refinery in Rotterdam, the Netherlands is the largest palm oil refinery in Europe. IOI's oil palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia produce palm oil and palm kernel oil. These oils are made into speciality oils, metallic stearates and fats that are used in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and food additives. IOI Group is also a leading real estate developer in Malaysia: projects include townships, shopping malls, condominiums, office towers and resorts.
Lee grew up northeast of Kuala Lumpur on a rubber plantation, where his father ran a small Chinese food shop. He left school at the age of 11 to help support his family, selling ice cream on a bicycle for four years before returning to finish high school. He sought work with one oil palm plantation company for a supervisory job, but was turned down. The reason given—he didn't speak fluent English—important then because Europeans still own most of the plantations.

Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Yeoh Tiong Lay  

Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Yeoh Tiong Lay (is a Malaysian business tycoon and a prominent philanthropist. He founded YTL Corporation, Malaysia's biggest and most successful conglomerate with interests in construction, utilities, hotels, property development and technology. YTL is based primarily in Malaysia but has extensive operations in Asia, Australia and the United Kingdom, where it owns the utility Wessex Water. YTL Corp has over $3 billion in cash.
Yeoh Tiong Lay completed his secondary school education at Hin Hua High School in Klang, Malaysia. He is the father of Francis Yeoh, who is the eldest of his 7 children, all of whom are involved in the family business. He is one of the richest individuals in Malaysia; his family is estimated to have a net worth of US$ 2.8 billion, and he is ranked as the 421st richest person in the world according to Forbes in 2011.
He was conferred the prestigious Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon by the Emperor of Japan for his efforts in promoting bilateral relations between Malaysia and Japan on 19 January 2008.He is currently one of the Pro-Chancellors of Universiti Malaysia Sabah in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah with Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman, the Chief Minister of Sabah.

Dato' Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun

Tan Dato' Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun (born 1952);  known simply as Vincent Tan, is a Malaysian businessman and investor. He is the chairman and chief executive of Berjaya Corporation Berhad, which is in a wide array of businesses which includes golfing, property, resorts, and gambling in a group known as the Berjaya Group. In 2010, he entered the Forbes billionaire list with an estimated worth of US$1.3 billion (RM4.2 billion). Tan's success in the Malaysian business sector has been attributed in part to his close association with prominent Malay political figures.
In December 1980, Tan purchased Malaysia's McDonald's franchise and in 1985 he bought Sports Toto when the lottery agency was privatised by the government. Tan obtained the license for his lottery business from a non-tendered privatisation in 1985. In May 2010, Tan became the owner of Cardiff City Football Club after a consortium of Malaysian investors (led by Dato Chan Tien Ghee) bought 30% of the club's shares. In December 2013 Tan bought Bosnian club FK Sarajevo.[29] Under the deal, Cardiff will cooperate with FK Sarajevo, exchanging players and taking part in a footballacademy, yet to be established, which Tan has said will lure new talents.In April 2014, Tan (through one of his representatives) bought a two-year-old colt from Doncaster Bloodstock Breeze-Up Sales for £190,000. It will be trained by Australian Jeremy Gask in Wiltshire. Eamonn Wilmott, Gask's business partner, said: "We are very excited, and pleased to have Mr Tan involved. The horse looks exceptional and dominated the parade rings outside the sales.

Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay
Tan Sri Dato Lim Kok Thay is the second son of Tan sri Dato Seri Lim Goh Tong (founder of Genting Highland) and Puan Sri Lee Kim Fa. He born in year of 1951 and has 3 son with Puan Sri Cecilia Lim.

Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay had started expand his Genting Highland Business toward the international level which is United Kingdom, Egypt, Vietnam, Philippine and United States. He also pointed out the potential country to be develop is Taiwan, Japan and Indonesia. With the achievements of him, he is no doubt as a successful entrepreneur and make his father Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong proud.
Robert Kuok
Robert Kuok, a native of Fuzhou, Fujian province, Gai Shan Guo village, 1923 Born in Malaysia in Johor Bahru city. He first serves in his father's company and then started their own business, in 1949 years with his cousins and uncles and become founder of Kuok brothers Sdn Bhd in Johor Bahru, engaged in trade in rice, sugar, wheat flour At the period of 1952 to 1955, Robert Kuok visits the London commodity exchange and approach to local firms, thereafter in Northern Malaysia to set up sugar mills, flour mills and plantation of sugarcane. In year of 1970, he making a lot of money with the speculation of sugar .He took control of the Malaysian sugar market which is 80%, and 10% of the world sugar market and having the name of "Sugar King of Asia ". At 70 eras, Robert Kuok began to enter the hotel industry, and then Shangri was established. The first Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore operate at the year of 1971, and after that operate in Thailand, Seoul, Hong Kong, Fiji, the Philippines, India and nixilai County. At present, Mr Kuok worldwide 1 million rooms in the business, there are 9 hotels,4000 square rooms are. Shangri-La's group has become the largest hotel group in the Asia-Pacific region and the name of "the hotel magnategiven to Robert Kuok.

Principles of Robert Kuok in business
Build trust and relationship in business.
He believe that making an cooperate relationship with others is better than having competition business opponent. His business partner include Hong Kong Li Ka Shing, Sudono Salim of Indonesia, Australia, France and etc.
Not to be greedy
He believe that study and learn about your business instead of having others shortcut that may lead you to fail.
Having good attitude
Although Robert Kuok is rich, he still insists low profile and not mind flushed by the money. He used the money wisely and thinking deeply for the development country

Name              :           Tan Sri Chen Lip Keong
Age                  :           67
Residence       :           Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Status              :           Married
Children           :           3
Tan Sri Chen Lip Keong is known as the founder of Naga Corp. He became billionaire after obtain the 70years gaming license in Cambodia and started to develop the entertainment and business which include new hotels, restaurants and shopping center. The project is known as ‘Naga City Walk’.
Tan Sri Chen Lip Keong Archievement
He having the position of president and chief executive in the company such as Karambunai, Composite Technology Research Malaysia and Facb industry. He also became economic advisor of prime minister of Cambodian government since 2001. He having the various title of Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang (which carries the title “Dato“), Darjah Sultan Salahuddin Aziz (which carries the title “Datuk“) and Panglima Setia Mahkota (which carries the title “Tan Sri“.).

Name              :           Tan Heng Chew
Age                  :           68
Residence       :           Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Status              :           Married
Children           :           4
Education        :           Bachelor of Engineering, University of New South Wales Master;
                                    Master, University of New Castle.

Mr Tan Heng Chew is the top 16 of Malaysia richest man and currently as chairman of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad. Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad had the great history from 1950s till now. It is the Malaysian Car Company before appearance of Proton which selling the car brand of Datsun and Nissan. Nowadays, Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad had develop to Car manufacturing and assembly plant instead of only selling car.  Nissan product line-up has been refreshed and growing volumes indicate very good acceptance by Malaysians. Furthermore, the company, in collaboration with Auto Dunia, is also involved in the marketing of Infiniti, Nissan’s luxury brand. An affiliated company, TC Euro Cars, handles Renault as well. In the future, the market of Malaysia borders like Vietnam is going to be developed.
He now holds 42.93% in TCM, 39.88% in APM, 38.4% in Warisan TC and 35.06% in TCIL. Based on the market capitalizations’ of these companies at RM3.57bil, RM1.21bil, RM220mil and HK$6.44bil (RM2.72bil), TCC is valued at RM3.05bil.
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow, 84, is known to be one of the most successful banks in Malaysia and presence in other countries in the region.  He was born in Singapore on 14 March 1930 and attended his formal primary and secondary education at the Anglo-Chinese school in Singapore.  He is a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of Lonpac Insurance Bhd (Lonpac), a public company.  Besides that, he is also a Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman of Lonpac's holding company, LPI Capital Bhd, a public company listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.  He is a banker by profession and began his banking career in 1950.  Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow has 64 years of experiences in the banking and finance industry as it is his profession.  He founded Public Bank Bhd in 1965 at the early age of 35.  He had won domestic and international acclaim for his outstanding achievements as a banker and also the Chief Executive Officer of a leading financial services group.  There were so many awards and accolades that he had received such as Asia’s Commercial Banker of the Year 1991, The ASEAN Businessman of the Year 1994, Malaysia’s Business Achiever of the Year 1997, and others.
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Teh Hong Piow believes that success in life does not hinge upon getting the top grades while in school but power of knowledge is important too. Like he said, “To succeed, you must believe in being excellent in all that you do. You need to go above and beyond – do more than what is expected of you.” The 8 principles to be lesson of success are know your purpose, be passionate about your chosen field, be people oriented, persevere against the odds, be proactive in thought and action, practice professionalism, maintain prudence and be positive towards work and life. He is the one of the richest men in Malaysia where his story of rags-to-riches remains as one of the most popular stories told and he remains as one of the most prominent Malaysian men today.


Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary is a prominent Malaysian entrepreneur who is very famous and successful in business. He has a personality that should be emulated by others. He began to do business at the age of 19 years of buying and selling cattle and buffalo. He is an SPM but he now must be an example of his achievement and is something to be proud of. He is the business entrepreneur MMC, Port of Tanjung Pelepas, Bernas, Gardenia, DRB-Hicom, and Bank Muamalat.  Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary was born in Alor Setar, Kedah in 1951 at middle class family.  His family hailed from Hadhramaut, ‎Yemen. Before deciding to live in Kedah, his father traveled as far as Central Asia to ‎trade.  Then, his father went to Thailand, before finally deciding to live in Alor Setar, ‎Kedah in the mid 1940’s.
To be story about the beginning of his business, in the mid of 1970s, his father’s cattle business ran into trouble following the outbreak of ‎foot-and-mouth disease. The outbreak spread throughout southern Thailand, Kedah and ‎Perlis. As a result, nearly all their livestock perished. However, this downturn in event actually had a silver lining. Since then, Syed Mokhtar ‎took over his father’s business and decided never again to become involved in the cattle ‎business. Instead, he decided to go into the business of selling meat. As a start, at the age of 19, Syed Mokhtar scoured markets around Alor Setar to buy ‎unsold meat from the vendors there. The meat would then be re-sold to bumiputera ‎traders in the surrounding area. ‎
Although these were unsold meat, they were packaged carefully and nicely, and kept on ‎ice to maintain freshness. Thus, using his experience in handling good quality products, ‎Syed Mokhtar business received encouraging response from the public. This success ‎made him even more driven to expand the business. ‎
Soon after, Syed Mokhtar moved on to the transportation business. After successfully ‎acquiring a license for four Class A lorry in 1972, Syed Mokhtar secured a loan in the ‎amount of RM110, 000 from the Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) to buy two Mercedes Benz ‎lorries. At first, he wanted to buy four lorries, but the plan did not come to light because of ‎technical problems, leaving him with two remaining permits. A Chinese trader ‎approached him to buy those permits, but Syed Mokhtar refused the offer and decided to ‎return the permits to MARA. He then established a transportation company named Syarikat Pengangkutan Sentosa, ‎and appointed a Chinese clerk to be the manager. Interestingly, the company still exists ‎until today. From a small business that offered transport service to haul rice, it now owns more than ‎‎40 lorries for various transport purposes. ‎He is the one of the richest men in Malaysia.  The richest Bumiputra corporate figure in Malaysia, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary has an estimated net worth of $2.75 billion as of March 2013. He is also the eighth richest person in Malaysia’s 50 Richest List and 526th in the World Billionaires List.

Tan Sri Datuk Tiong Hiew King was born to a poor family in Sarawak, Malaysia in 1935. Although he had to tap rubber when he was young, he had a strong thirst for knowledge. He graduated from Chung Cheng Primary School in Sibu, and later Methodist High School and Sacred Heart High School. Subsequently, he took up a correspondence course with a Chinese university as he knew there was no limit to what a person could learn. He began his working life at his uncle’s timber company, which laid a solid foundation for his future development.
He was enlisted to help in the early stages of his uncle’s business. With his extraordinary wisdom and diligence, Tiong contributed much to his uncle’s enterprise. In 1976, Tiong set up Rimbunan Hijau. He showed the kind of perseverance that Fuzhou people are known for. Together with some of his brothers, Rimbunan Hijau established a solid reputation and has emerged as a revered multinational corporation. Global Vision Over the past twenty years, Tiong has worked on a global scale to erect a diversifi ed business spanning six continents, whose countries and regions include Japan, Hong Kong, Australia,Canada, the United States, New Zealand, Singapore, Russia, Papua New Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Brazil and British Guyana. He also has investments in Shanghai, Dalian, Harbin,Datong and Guangzhou in China. Other than timber exports and timber processing, his business has also expanded to cover fi nance, media, IT, mining, aquaculture, agriculture (oil palm plantation), reafforestation, trading and property development.Presently, Rimbunan Hijau Group, under the leadership of Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King, has evolved into one of Malaysia’s largest manufacturers and exporters of plywood. In Malaysia, there are three public listed companies under the Group, namely Subur Tiasa, Jaya Tiasa and Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad. In Hong Kong, the Ming Pao Group has also listed successfully. The Capitalists magazine recently named Tiong one of Malaysia’s ten richest businessmen.

Brothers Datuk Seri Shahril Shamsuddin and Datuk Shahriman Shamsuddin of Sapura Group are now billionaires with a net worth of RM3.24bil (US$1.05bil).  They are among Malaysia's 14 billionaires, up from 11 last year in Forbes Malaysia's 50 Richest list.  The brothers entered the billionaire ranks after a RM11.43bil (US$3.7bil) merger of Sapura Crest Sdn Bhd with Kencana Petro-leum Bhd.  Also making his debut into the list of billionaires at No 11 is Tan Chong Motor Holdings Bhd executive deputy chairman and group managing director Datuk Tan Heng Chew with a net worth of RM3.7bil (US$1.2bil).
Datuk Shahril graduated from the California Polytechnic and later pursued his Masters at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT-Sloan).He served for a year up to 1985 at Dynatel in Sunnyvale, California, as an Assistant to the Manufacturing Engineer and then returned to Malaysia where he began his career as Assistant Managing Director with the Sapura Group.
Two years later, Datuk Shahril also took on responsibilities as the Group General Manager at Uniphone Sendirian Berhad.Shahril continued with his two roles up to 1990, when he became the Sapura Group Managing Director.He took on his present post in 1997.
Datuk Shahril played an instrumental role in setting up the Group's IT Division, Energy and Defence Sectors.He also played key roles in various infrastructural projects, bringing in leading edge technologies such as the first PCN mobile telephone network into the country, the installation of the fibre-optics network for the Klang Valley, and the implementation of the Total Airport Management System (TAMS) for the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.Shahril's directorships include the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC).His other affiliations include memberships in Malaysian Defence Industry Council (MIPM), Young President's Organisation (YPO), Malaysia Institute of Management (MIM) and MIT Alumni Club of Malaysia as President.
Datuk Shahril enjoys fishing, boating, golfing and martial arts.  He also has a penchant for electronics and computers.
Tan Sri Dato’ Surin Upatkoon
Image result for tan sri dato' surin upatkoon

Tan Sri Dato’ Surin Upatkoon, a Thai national. He's lived in Malaysia since 1965, when he arrived in Penang for school and stayed to work and then run his father's textile company. He was appointed Executive Director of MPHB on 4 August 2000 and subsequently, on 28 August 2002, he was appointed Managing Director of MPHB. He is also a member of the Remuneration Committee of MPHB. He plays a major role in formulating the business strategies and direction of the MPHB Group and is actively involved in the policy making aspects of the operations of MPHB Group.
Tan Sri Dato’ Surin has vast working experience and has played a key role in the expansion and development of the MWE Group of Companies. He was first appointed the Managing Director of MWE Spinning Mills Sdn Bhd on 30 November 1974, taking care of its daily operations. Subsequently, he was appointed the Managing Director of MWE Weaving Mills Sdn Bhd and a Director of MWE Holdings Berhad.
Currently, he also sits on the Board of MPHB Capital Berhad, Multi-Purpose Capital Holdings Berhad, Mimaland Berhad, Magnum 4D Berhad and several private limited companies in Malaysia. He is also a Trustee of Chang Ming Thien Foundation and Magnum Foundation.

Dato’ Mokhzani Mahathir

Datuk Mokhzani bin Tun Dr. Mahathir, 54 years old and was born January 1961 is the second son of Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah. Like his younger brother Mukhriz,Mokhzani is a businessman and richest man on top of Malaysia. Mokhzani has been listed as the 19th richest person in Malaysia by Forbes Asia with an estimated net worth of US$290 million in 2008. Dato’ Mokhzani Mahathir was appointed to the Board of Sapura Kencana Petroleum Berhad on 9 December 2011 as our Non-Independent Executive Director and Executive Vice-Chairman. He is also the member of the Remuneration Committee of Sapura Kencana Petroleum.
Dato’ Mokhzani graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1987. Dato’ Mokhzani was appointed to the Board of Kencana Petroleum Berhad (“Kencana Petroleum”) on 25 November 2004 and was the Non-Independent Group Chief Executive Officer of Kencana Petroleum prior to the merger of businesses between Sapura Crest Petroleum Berhad Group and Kencana Petroleum Group. He also served as the Chairman of the Options Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee of Kencana Petroleum.

In 1987, Dato’ Mokhzani began his career as a Wellsite Operations Engineer with Sarawak Shell Berhad. He later joined Tongkah Holdings Berhad in 1989 and was appointed as the Group Managing Director, a post he held till 2001. Dato’ Mokhzani was also the Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer of Pantai Holdings Berhad till 2001.
Dato’ Mokhzani currently sits on the Boards of Opcom Holdings Berhad, Maxis Berhad, Sime Darby Auto Performance Sdn Bhd, Kencana Capital Sdn Bhd and several private limited companies. He is also the Chairman of Sepang International Circuit Sdn Bhd, a post he has held since 2003.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates, in full William Henry Gates III. He was born on 28 October, 1955, Seattle, Washington, U.S. growing up with two sisters in Seattle. Their father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney, and their late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher. He is american computer programmer and entrepreneur who cofounded Microsoft Corporation, the world’s largest personal-computer software company.

Gates has come to be known for his aggressive business tactics and confrontational style of management. He, and his company, have attracted a vast army of critics and enemies in recent years as their domination of the IT world has grown. Gates began computing as a 13-year-old at the city's Lakeside school.
By the age of 17, he had sold his first program - a timetabling system for the school, earning him $4,200. It was at Lakeside that he met fellow student Paul Allen, who shared his fascination with computers. During Gates' stint at Harvard, the two teamed up to write the first computer language program written for a personal computer. The PC's maker, MITS, liked their work and the two friends established Microsoft in 1975, so-called because it provided microcomputer software.
Now a multi-millionaire, Allen had already stepped back from the frontline. But Gates continued to play the key role in the company's growth, with his vision for networked computers proving central to Microsoft's success.
Carlos Slim

Carlos Slim, 75 years old. He one of the wealthiest people in the world, was born on January 28, 1940, in Mexico City to a family of Lebanese Christian immigrants. He became a billionaire after the economic crash of 1982 when he purchased investments at low prices that would later be extremely valuable. In 2000, he founded the Foundation for the Historic Centre of Mexico City to restore and save significant buildings. Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim is now worth $53.5bn (£35.8bn). That puts him above Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, but unlike his US rivals, he remains relatively unknown outside of his native Latin America.
There, he controls more than 200 companies. These range from telecoms, where he first made his fortune, to infrastructure, banking and retail. In order to maintain his influence over his expanding empire, his sons and sons-in-law have been put in charge of many businesses. One of the most significant in Mr Slim's empire is America Movil, Latin America's largest mobile phone company, which operates in 11 countries and serves more than 150 million customers.


Amacio Ortega Gaona was born in Busdongo de Arbas, Leon on March 28, 1936. Since childhood, Ortega stayed in Leon but when he was 14, he moved to A Coruna with his family. Ortega’s father work as railway worker. He began working for a shirtmaker and learned about the art of apparel making.
            Amancio got a company called Confecciones Goa and hire the local womans to form cooperative in 1972.This company marketed quilted bathrobes that the cooperatives produced. When 1975, Ortega opened his first apparel retail store with his wife- Rosalia. He wanted to name the store Zorba, but the name was already taken by other company.. So, he made decision to name the store as Zara. The store was a success and the following decade. He opened Zara stores across Galicia, Spain. Zara is an integral part of the Inditex Group and Ortega is a 59.29 percent shareholder of the Group. The Inditex Group owns several renowned brands besides Zara. Some of these include Massimo Dutti, Zara Home, Stradivarius, Bershka, Oyosho and Pull and Bear.
            Ortega has not forgotten his roots beside this success. He is renowned for avoiding interviews and publicity. He is said to be a workaholic and did not take a holiday for 25 years. Today, the retailer has 1,500 stores in 70 countries around the world and is changing retail forever. His net worth is estimated at $47.4 billion. Something is unique about Ortega life, he wears the same thing to work every day and dines in the company cafeteria with his staffs. He is also indulges in some luxuries only available to the mega-rich.

Warren Buffett

Warren Edward Buffett born on August 30,1930, in Omaha, Nebraska. Buffett's father, Howard worked as served as U.S. Congressman and stokebroker while his mother, Leila Stahl Buffett, is a homemaker. Buffett involved in financial and business matter since he was childhood stage. He was a mathematical prodigy, and was able to add large columns of numbers in his head-a talent he still occasionally shows off to friends and business associates.
            Warren Buffett was a student from the University of Nebraska and graduated on 1950 with a Bachelor of Science degree. After reading "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham, he wanted to study under Graham, and did so at ColumbiaUniversity, obtaining his Master of Science degree in business in 1951. He then returned to Omaha and formed the investment firm of Buffett-Falk & Company, and worked as an investment salesman. From 1951 to 1954, Buffett developed a close relationship with Graham, who was generous with his time and thoughts. Wanting to work independently, Buffett, started a family investment partnership at age 25 with a starting capital base of $100,000. In 1965, Buffett had acquired the unprofitable Berkshire Hathaway textile company in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Buffett effected a successful turnaround of the company, which focused on changing the company's financial framework. Berkshire still with his  textile business, even in the face of up and down pressures, but also used the company as a holding company for other investments.
            Discipline, patience and value are found in Buffett interpersonal skills. He  consistently outperformed the market for decades. Without hopeless today, Berkshire Hathaway is a massive holdings company for a variety of businesses with assets and sales totaling, approximately, $240 billion and $100 billion, respectively, for year-end 2006.
 Larry Ellison
Lawrence Joseph or Larry Ellison was born on August 17, 1944 in New York City. He is known as an American programmer, internet entrepreneur, businessman and philanthropist. He also was the Chief Executive Officer of the software company Oracle Corporation between its foundation in 1977 and 2014. In 2014, he was listed by Forbes as the third-wealthiest man in America and as the fifth-wealthiest person in the world, with a fortune of $56.2 billion.
            From an early age, he showed a good result in math and science, and was named science student of the year at the University of Illinois. He studied at the University of Chicago without graduating before moving to California in 1966. While working at Ampex Corporation in1970s, he became influenced by Edgar F. Codd's research on relational database design, which led in 1977 to the formation of what became Oracle. Oracle became a successful database vendor to mid- and low-range systems, competing with Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server.
            The success continued and as Ellison was Oracle’s largest shareholder, he became one of the wealthiest people today. Ellison set his sights on growth through acquisitions, and over the next several years gobbled up several companies, including PeopleSoft, Siebel Systems and Sun Microsystems, all of which helped Oracle reach a market cap of roughly $185 billion with more than 40,000 employees by 2014.

                 David Hamilton Koch was born in Wichita, Kansas, on March 5 1940. His father, Frederick ‘Fred’ Chase Koch and Mary Robinson Koch. He is a businessman and a chemical engineering. David Koch was an Executive Vice President Koch Industry . He was graduated with a degree in chemical engineering from Massacusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) in 1992. By the late 1920’s, Fred had cofounded an engineering company that developed an improved method for converting crude oil into gasoline.
                 In 1970, Koch joined Koch Industries under his brother Charles, to work as a technical-services manager. He founded the company’s New York office and in 1979 he became the president of his own division, Koch Engineering, renamed Chemical Technology Group. As of 2010, David Koch owned 42 percent of Koch Industries, as his brother Charles.
            In the beginning, Koch Industries are known in distillation and distribution of oil. However, his industries expands in manufacturing, trading and innovation. In 2014, David Koch was listed in Forbes that have an asset of  US$40 million. David Koch was diagnosed to have a prostat cancer in 1992. This diseases have made him to become more generous. This can be seen when he support all research about cancer and medicines since 1998 until 2012 that costly almost $395000.000.
            Sheldon Gary Adelson was born on August 4, 1933.  is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is the chairman and chief executive officer of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, which owns the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore and is the parent company of Venetian Macao Limited which operates The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and the Sands Expo and Convention Center.   
              He was born into a poor family in Dorchester, neighbourhood of Bouston. He started his business career at age 12 when he borrowed some money from his uncle and purchased license to sell newspaper. When he was in 16 years old, he had started a candy-vending-machine business. He want to be a court reporter, so he attended trade school. In 1960’s, he started a charter tour business. He had soon become a millionaire. Over the course of his business career, Adelson has created over 50 of his owb business.
            In the late 1970s, Adelson and his partners developed the computer trade show COMDEX, for the computer industry; the first show was in 1979. It was the premier computer trade show through much of the 1980s and 1990s. These computer trade show is the original sources of Adelson’s wealth. According to Forbes in April 2015, Sheldon Adelson has a net worth $30.4 billion

               Christy Ruth Walton was born in 1955 is an American philanthropist. She is the widow of John T. Walton, one of the sons of Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart. After John's death in June 2005, she inherited his fortune of US$18.2 billion.
                 Forbes reported that she was the richest woman in the world for eight years running, and still held the title in March 2015. As of March 2014, she and her family (not including her two brothers-in-law and a sister-in-law) had an estimated net worth of $36.7 billion, the bulk of which comes from her shares in Walmart, but also from First Solar, in which her husband invested.  
                Walton plays an active role in her family's charitable foundation - Walton Family Charitable Support Foundation. The foundation is intimately associated with various prestigious academic institutes and universities for the enhancement and upliftment of the education and other requisites. Its collaborating institutes include College of Business Administration, University of Arkansas and others. For her charitable foundation, she is reportedly donated over $1.6 billion.

                 Jim Walton is the youngest son of Sam Walton, the world’s of largest retailer, Wal-Mart. On 2015, Forbes stated that he has net worth of $40.6 billion. After graduating from Bentonville High School in 1965, Walton received a bachelor's degree in Business Administration (BA) Marketing from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas in 1971, where he was also a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
                 In 1972, he joined Wal-Martand was involved in its real estate dealings. After serving for four years he moved to the family owned Walton Enterprises as president in 1975. On September 2005, Jim Walton replaced his brother as Wal-Mart, Board of Director as his brother had deceased in an accident.